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Chappaqua Volunteer Ambulance Corps

Help us to help you!

First Responder agencies are struggling! 

There has been a significant increase in 911 calls across the country. In fact, CVAC calls have increased 25% this year.  CVAC needs your help to keep up!

Everywhere, EMS Agencies are short staffed. In order to help our recruiting efforts, we are working to improve our modest headquarters and exploring options for increased workspace. With increased call volume, we would like more private spaces so members can work between calls while on duty. We need facilities to allow members to sleep at the building to respond quickly to 911 calls. 

CVAC is a 501(c)(3) organization, staffed entirely by volunteers. Unlike the New Castle Police Department and the 2 Fire Departments in town, CVAC is not a separate tax district. We rely on public support to continue our essential work. Your contribution will help CVAC continue to respond to our community's emergency calls.

To donate online, see the form below. To donate by mail, please send your check to:


PO Box 1

Chappaqua, NY 10514

More information

If you are interested in donating non-cash assets like stocks, or if you have questions, please email our fundraising chair at Donate@ChappaquaEMS.org.

Learn About EMT Training - Cataldo Ambulance - Since 1977

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*Last name
*Address 1
Number and Street (ex. 1234 Anywhere St.)
Address 2
Suite or Apt Number (if any)
Address - City Field
Address - State
*Zip Code
Address Zip Code
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
For membership applications, this is a required field
Work Phone
*Amount ($USD)
Please specify the amount of your donation.
Payment frequency
Spouse First Name
Spouse Last Name
Provide any instructional comments here. If you would like your donation to be an Honorarium, please tell us who to Honor.
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